Chemical modification of phenol-formaldehyde resins for use as novel wood treatment agent

Project status


Project execution time

01.12.2020 to 31.12.2021

Project type


Project number


Project manager

Juris Grīniņš

Involved laboratories

Biorefinery laboratory

Call, activity

Latvian Council of Science Fundamental and Applied Research Project 2020/2 (LCS FARP 2020/2)

Project goal

The scientific goal of this project is to modify phenol-formaldehyde pre-polymers and use as novel treatment agent for birch wood products to obtain improved properties. During this project the two main hypothesis will be researched:

1) Phenol-formaldehyde pre-polymer can be chemically modified by esterification using acid chlorides with different length of aliphatic chains with goal to create a new functional molecule which can be used for wood cell wall modification.

2) Birch wood products treated with modified PF pre-polymers will show improved properties compared to unmodified and conventional PF impregnated wood.

Place of project implementation – Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC), Dzerbenes str. 27, Riga, LV-1006 (

Planned total duration of the project – 13 months.