About institute

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Derived public person "Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry" (LSIWC), founded in 1946 (more about history), is a state scientific institute under the supervision of the Minister of Education and Science, acting according to "Law of Scientific Activity" and "The Statute of the Derived public person "Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry"". The LSIWC mission is the development of knowledge-based, environment-friendly low-waste technologies for obtaining competitive materials and products from wood and other types of plant biomass for sustainable utilization of natural resources for economic, social and ecological benefits.

The LSIWC research themes’ priorities embrace practically all fields related to the utilization of wood and lignocellulose biomass and are based on interdisciplinary theoretical wood and lignocellulosic materials studies on the molecular and nano-level. The main avenues of research are as follows:

  • structure, bio- and weathering durability, degradation mechanisms of wood and wood based materials by microorganisms and under environmental impact, methods for improving their sustainability properties (including modification and surface protection) to enhance competitiveness with non-renewable building materials;
  • biorefinery approaches, development of technologies for wasteless cascade use of wood components for obtaining chemical compounds, composite and hybrid materials and added value products designed for the food industry, agriculture, pharmacy, healthcare, etc.;
  • rational use of woodworking, wood and biomass processing residues for innovative multifunctional products (including fiber and insulation materials) for agriculture, building, the transport field, forestry and environment protection.

The LSIWC research activities are closely allied to The European Commission’s strategy for „Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe” (13.2.2012 , COM(2012) 60 final) and A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe: Strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment (11.10.2018, COM(2018) 673 final).

The scientific staff of LSIWC involve 20 Leading researhers, 32 Researchers and 20 Research assistants, of them -  37 PhD and 11 PhD students (more bout staff).


Public Review (in Latvian):

2017.-2019. - see National Research Activity Information System , section "Published institution annual reports of scientific activity"

2015. , 2014. , 2013. , 2012. , 2011. , 2010. , 2009. , 2008. , 2007.