Innovative mycelium biocomposites (MB) from plant residual biomass with enhanced properties for sustainable solutions

Project status


Project execution time

01.01.2024 to 31.12.2026

Project type


Project number


Project manager

Ilze Irbe

Involved laboratories

Cellulose Laboratory

Call, activity

Latvian Council of Science Fundamental and Applied Research Project 2022/1 (LCS FARP 2023/1)

Cooperation partners


Project goal

The scientific goal of this project is to develop innovative mycelium biocomposites (MB) from fungal hyphae, agricultural and forestry by-products with improved physicomechanical and metal sorption properties, extending theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of high-performing, advanced biomaterials that are competitive with the currently used conventional products. The MB blends of lignocellulose filler bound with the chitinous hyphal network will be developed and upgraded by hybridisation with natural additives for (1) building panelling and packaging application and (2) metal sorption application. The production of MB is characterised by a low-energy and carbon-neutral process, which is essential to climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.



Project activities

01.01.2024 - Starting of project.