Dr. ķīm. Juris Zoldners


1958. Dr.chem., Latvian University, Faculty of Chemistry

Scientific interests and competence

Wood composite materials, using different polymers and resins. Chitosan application in food and for obtaining of cellulose composites.

The most important projects

2019. LS IWC grant. Complex processing of the hemp and its products (HEMPWISDOM).  2018. LS IWC grant. Regeneration and modification of cellulose for obtaining environment friendly materials (RenModCell). 2017.-2019. ERAF Project.  Development of innovative technology for obtaining levoglycozenone form lignocellulosics. 2014 – 2015. ERAF Project. Investigation of ecofriendly molded paper fibre materials for use of food packing with additives from renewable resources. 

The most important publications

Andze L., Zoldners J., Rozenberga L. Sable I., Skute M., Laka M., Vecbiskena L., Andzs M., Actins A.2018 Effect of molecular chitosan on recovered paper properties described by mathematic model. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 52 (9-10), 873-881.​ Laka M., Skute M., Janceva S., Fridrihsone V., Sable I., Vecbiskena L., Grinfelds U., Andze L., Zoldners J. 2017 Nanoparticle gels obtained from hardwood and softwood bark for reinforcing of paper. Materials Engineering, 267, 12-16.​ Vikele L., Laka M., Sable I., Rozenberga L., Grinfelds U., Zoldners J., Passas R., Mauret E. 2017 Effect of chitosan on properties of paper for packaging. Cellulose chemistry and technology, 51 (1-2), 67-73. Zoldners J., Kiseleva T. 2013 Modification of hemicelluloses with polycarboxylic acids, Holzforshung, 65(5), 567-571.