Informatīvais seminārs paneļdiskusijas veidā par gaļas aizvietotājiem 27.11.2023.

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Šī gada 27. novembrī Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūts aicina ikvienu interesentu pieslēgties  informatīvajam semināram, kas rīkots paneļdiskusijaas veidā, kas cieši saistīta ar pētniecības projekta Nr. Nr. “Efektīvas pilot-mēroga leghemoglobīna ražošanas tehnoloģijas izstrāde uz rekombinanto Pichia pastoris un Kluyveromyces lactis fermentācijas procesu ar piebarošanu bāzes. (BioHeme)” tēmu.

Norises laiks: ceturtdiena, 27. novembris, plkst. 15:00-17:00

Semināru norises vieta: tiešsaistē, iepriekš reģistrējoties

Semināra valoda: angļu valoda

Paneļdiskusijas dalībnieku apraksts un programma (angļu valodā):

Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry project partner AS present an informative seminar in a form of a panel discussion with experts on animal meat alternatives and current challenges on 27th of November (15:00 UTC+2). Register here -

Registration and attendance is free of charge for all.

The discussion will take place online with:

Dr. Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup:

Dr. Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup, Director at Danish Technological Institute's Center for Bioresources, specializes in biomass valorization through bioprocessing. With over 15 years of experience, her expertise spans enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and the incorporation of biobased components in Biomaterials. She leads the food grade pilot plant at DTI for upscaling biosolutions, including biorefining processes, biofermentation, and product development.

Dr. Agris Pentjuss:

Dr. Agris Pentjuss represents the Large Data and Computational Biology Group, boasting over 10 years of experience in computational biology. The team focuses on collaborative scientific projects, employing computational biology to enhance biotechnological potential, promote sustainability, and improve bio-degradation technologies. They have developed tools like IMFLer, IgemRNA, SpaceScanner, and ConvAn to facilitate the analysis of biological datasets, emphasizing the role of computational modeling in achieving a greener future across various bioindustries.

Arturs Suleiko:

With over seven years of experience in chemical engineering and biotechnology, this panellist serves as an Industrial Equipment Engineer at A/S Specializing in equipment design and optimization of mixing systems for stirred-tank bioreactors, ranging from laboratory-scale to pilot-scale vessels, their general expertise includes hardware and software development, technical documentation, and direct client interaction. Additionally, they contribute to the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry's Bioengineering department, undertaking contracted research, developing system prototypes, and performing calculations/simulations for biotechnology-related equipment.


15:00 UTC+2 – Opening Words and a Brief Insight into the BioHeme project

15:20 UTC+2 – Introduction of Panel Members

15:30 UTC+2 – Panel Discussion

16:00 UTC+2 – Questions and Answers with the Audience

16:30 UTC+2 – Closing Remarks

16:45 UTC+2 – End of the Event

Panel discussion is organized within the Project No. “The development of an efficient pilot-scale leghemoglobine production technology, based on recombinant Pichia pastoris and Kluyveromyces lactis fed-batch fermentations. (BioHeme)”, which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.