Dr.sc.ing Ramūnas Tupčiauskas


2013 - Inžinierzinātņu doktora grāds koksnes materiālos un tehnoloģijās, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte

Zinātniskās intereses un kompetence

Pašsaistošo/bezsaistvielu kompozītmateriālu (koksnes un augu valsts plātnes u.c.) pētniecība un attīstība (priekšapstrāde, iegūšana, testēšana un novērtēšana) izmantojot videi draudzīgas tehnoloģijas.

Nozīmīgākie projekti

Latvian Science Council Project No. lzp-2023/1-0348 " Investigation of innovative biomass-based panels for application in external building facade" (2024-2026). Latvian Science Council Project No. lzp-2021/1-0599 " Investigation of eco-friendly thermal insulation materials from sustainable and renewable industrial crops residuals" (2022-2024). European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) measure Project No. KC-PI-2020/13 “Commercialization of lignocellulosic loose-fill thermal insulation material production technology” (2020-2022). European Development Fund Activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid” Project “Investigation of binder-less fibreboards made of steam-exploded wheat straw and hemp shives. Industrial research No. (2019-2022). European Regional Development Fund measure "Support for Improvement of Technology Transfer System" Project Application No. “Commercialization of technology of ecological binder containing suberinic acids for wood composites” (2018-2019). European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project "Processing of birch bark into ecological fiber bio-composites and value added products" No. EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme project ”European Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy (ERIFORE)”, agreement No. 654371 (2016–2017). National Research Programme „Biomaterials and products from forest resources with versatile applicability” (ResProd 2014–2017.)​ European Social Fund project No. 2013/0044/1DP/ „Innovative complex technology of fiber residue processing in products with high added value” (2013-2015). FP7 Wood Wisdom Prolignin project “High-value products from lignin side streams of modern biorefineries” (2012-2014).

Nozīmīgākās publikācijas

Tupciauskas, R., Berzins, A., Pavlovics, G. Bikovens, O., Filipova, I., Andze, L., Andzs, M., Optimization of thermal conductivity vs. bulk density of steam-exploded loose-fill annual lignocellulosics. Materials 2023, 16 (10), 654; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16103654 Nefjodovs, V., Andze, L., Andzs, M., Filipova, I., Tupciauskas, R., Vecbiskena, L., Kapickis, M. Wood as Possible Renewable Material for Bone Implants—Literature Review. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2023, 14, 266. https://doi.org/10.3390/jfb14050266 Tupciauskas, R.; Meile, K.; Godina, D.; Rizhikovs, J.; Syrpas, M.; Venskutonis, P.R. Qualitative Differences and Emission Persistence of Volatile Organic Compounds from Bio-Based Particleboards. Materials 2022, 15, 5278. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15155278. Janceva, S.; Andersone, A.;Spulle, U.; Tupciauskas, R.;Papadopoulou, E.; Bikovens, O.;Andzs, M.; Zaharova, N.; Rieksts, G.;Telysheva, G. Eco-Friendly AdhesivesBased on the Oligomeric CondensedTannins-Rich Extract from Alder Barkfor Particleboard and PlywoodProduction. Materials 2022, 15, 3894. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15113894. Tupciauskas, R.; Rizhikovs, J.; Andzs, M.; Bikovens, O. Influence of Manufacturing Conditions on Binder-Less Boards from Steam-Exploded Hemp Shives and Wheat Straw. Materials 2022, 15, 3141. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15093141. Rizhikovs J., Brazdausks P., Paze A., Tupciauskas R., Grinins J., Puke M., Plavniece A., Andzs M., Godina D., Makars R. Characterization of suberinic acids from birch outer bark as bio-based adhesive in wood composites. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2022, 112, 102989. Tupciauskas, R., Rizhikovs, J., Brazdausks, P., Fridrihsone, V., Andzs, M. (2021) Influence of steam explosion pre-treatment conditions on binder-less panels from hemp shives and wheat straw. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 170, 113717. Tupciauskas R., Veveris A., Andzs M., Gravitis J., Liitia T., Tamminen T. 2021 Investigation of a grey alder particleboard bonded by different industrial side stream lignins. Mechanics of Composite Materials., 57 (1), 57-68. DOI 10.1007/s11029-021-09933-6. Tupciauskas, R., Rizhikovs, J., Grinins, J., Paze, A., Andzs, M., Brazdausks, P., Puke, M., Plavniece, A. 2019 Investigation of suberinic acids-bonded particleboard. European Polymer Journal, 113, 176–182. Doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.01.061. Tupciauskas, R., Gravitis, J., Abolins, J., Veveris, A., Andzs, M., Liitia, T., Tamminen, T. 2017 Utilization of lignin powder for manufacturing self-binding HDF. Holzforschung, 71(7-8), 555-562. Andzs, M., Tupciauskas, R.,Veveris, A., Andze, L., Abolins, J., and Gravitis, J. 2017 Biomass conversion into blow-in heat insulation materials by steam explosion. Holzforschung, 71(7-8), 641-644. Tupciauskas, R., Irbe, I., Janberga, A., Buksans, E. 2017. Moisture and decay resistance and reaction to fire properties of self-binding fibreboard made from steam-exploded grey alder wood. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 12 (2), 63-71. Stapulionienė, R., Tupčiauskas, R. Vaitkus, S., Vėjelis, S. 2016 Development and investigation of thermal insulation from hemp-polylactide fibres. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 8 (1), 23 – 30. Brazdausks P., Paze A., Rizhikovs J., Puke M., Meile K., Vedernikovs N., Tupciauskas R., Andzs M. 2016 Effect of aluminium sulphate-catalysed hydrolysis process on furfural yield and cellulose degradation of Cannabis sativa L. Shives. Biomass and Bioenergy, 89, 98 – 104. Gravitis J., Ozols-Kalnins V., Kokorevics A., Abolins J., Kukle S., Putnina A., Andzs M., Tupciauskas R., Veveris A. 2015. Zero Emissions and Bio-refineries for Natural Fibers, Biomaterials and Energy: Genesis of Concepts. Review. In: W.L. Filho, D. Bērziņa, A. Ūbelis (eds.) Sustainable Development, Knowledge Society and Smart Future Manufacturing Technologies, World Sustainability Series, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 125 – 147.