Biorefinery laboratory

Staff Members

Prans Brazdausks's picture
Leading Researcher
Daniela Godiņa's picture
Research Assistant
Juris Grīniņš's picture
Leading Researcher, Project Manager
Aigars Pāže's picture
Leading Researcher, Member of Scientific Council, Project Manager
Māris Puķe's picture
Leading Researcher, Member of Scientific Council, Project Manager
Ramūnas Tupčiauskas's picture
Leading Researcher, Member of Scientific Council, Project Manager
Aivars Žūriņš's picture
Leading Researcher, Project Manager

Laboratory contact information


Status Title Project number Project lead
Completed Bērza saplākšņa īpašību uzlabošana, izmantojot impregnēšanu ar polimēru sveķu šķīdumiem (vienošanās Nr. Juris Grīniņš
Completed Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy (ERIFORE) H2020-654371
Active Ekoloģiskas suberīnskābes saturošas koksnes kompozītmateriālu saistvielas iegūšanas tehnoloģijas komercializācija / KC-PI-2017/41 Jānis Rižikovs
Active Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta kapacitātes stiprināšana dalībai starptautiskās sadarbības projektos Uģis Cābulis
Active Investigation of binder-less fibreboards made of steam-exploded wheat straw and hemp shives (contract Nr. Ramūnas Tupčiauskas
Completed Dalība Apvārsnis 2020 projektos Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta zinātniskās kapacitātes un atpazīstamības sekmēšanai 2015/0012/ 2DP/ Bruno Andersons
Completed Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta ekselences attīstība 2015/0021/2DP/ Uģis Cābulis
Completed Inovatīva tehnoloģija šķiedraugu atlikumu kompleksai pārstrādei produktos ar augstu pievienoto vērtību 2013/0044/1DP/ Jānis Rižikovs
Completed Wood-based Carbon Catalysts for Low-temperature Fuel Cells (WoBaCat) xxx
Active Investigation of the impact of phosphorus-containing catalysts on the conversion of wood C-5 and C-6 polysaccharides into products with high potential for integrated biorefineries (contract Nr. Prans Brazdausks


Work in the laboratory focuses on three key areas in biomass treatment technologies: new materials processing, development of new biomass treatment and processing technologies and solid fuel standard tests. Research area is related to biomass thermal and chemical processing, including physical activation, fast and slow pyrolysis, torrefication, hydrothermal treatment, densification and extraction underpinned by detailed analytical quantitative and qualitative characterisation, mechanical testing, feasibility studies and practical tests on laboratory scale units. These approaches are used to ensure that the technologies under development are optimised, economically more promising and appropriate for manufacturing.

Biomass and its products physical, chemical  and mechanical analysis according to EN 1860 requirements: moisture, ash, heat of combustion, bulk density, mechanical durability, ash melting point, granulometric analysis, fixed carbon and volatiles content, elemental analysis (C, H, N, O, S and Cl)

Aktīvs | Nanostrukturētas aktīvās ogles superkondensatoru elektrodiem | 2014/0043/2DP/ | Aivars Žūriņš

Equipment in use:

Analytical and measuring equipment: Solid fuel tests standard equipment, Titrator, UV spectrophotometer, „Parr” Oxygen bomb, Synapt MS, Acquity LC, APC Polymer chromotograph

Reactors: High pressure Autoclave „Parr”, rotating and stationary slow pyrolysis retorts, fast pyrolysis reactors (ablatic and cyclon type), hidraulic presses, high eficiency distillation column, Intensive mass exchange extraction apparatus